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Welcome to the University of Bath Gardening Club


For over 50 years, the University of Bath Gardening Club has created a strong social connection between the university and the local community.  Membership is open to all. Visitors are welcome.


Between October and May we provide monthly talks at the university – with free parking, and 100 yards from the bus terminus


Throughout the year we also organise other garden activities including visits. 

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A gardening club is as good as its programme, and we are very lucky to have Derry Watkins of Special Plants as our speakers' secretary. Derry uses her extensive international contacts to attract notable speakers covering a wide range of topics.


Our programme includes eight illustrated talks between October and May and a number of visits to gardens.

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The University of Bath Gardening Club was founded in 1967 shortly after the university was established, by Leonard Broadbent, Peter Thoday and Ray George, all closely associated with the then School of Botanical Science.

What to Expect

Our usual venue is in the East Building, just to the left of The Edge building.


Go through the main doors of the East Building and in the atrium, at the welcome desk, committee members will answer any questions.

​ A one-off visit costs £8. This is discounted from the membership fee of £25 if you decide to become a member after the talk.

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